Pravěk Noise Section is open-minded group of independent artists, who produce under Cretive Commons licence. It includes especially noise musicians connected with underground movement called Pravěk, which is focused mainly on literature. It's as open-minded as Pravěk itself, but its main concern is avantgard or extreme noise production.
Pravěk Noise Section stands against any kind of racism, xenophobia or other chauvinism. It's anti-authoritarian group manifesting direct action. We protest especially against cultural selection, which creates atomized society devoid of any nonconformist opinions or expressinons of solidarity. We don't want to be fucking herd led by latest trends or to follow yuppies or other posers. We fuck commercial festivals full of fasho-securities, we support independent DIY activities instead.
Pravěk Noise Section is not wholly separate label. Committed artists release on different labels or support other projects. The current recordings of included artists are available in Pravěk distribution or at below mentioned events.
If you want to contact us or even to collaborate with us, don't hesitate to write. To be honest, we cannot too much financially support a release of your album, because we are deeply committed with Pravěk activities. But we can give you any advise or contact, eventually we could undertake some DIY project. Our stuff is distributed for expenditure price, we donť want to profit from something, what we'll never sell out!
Make noise, not music!
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