Benefiční DIY festival UG sdružení Pravěk
12.-14. 10. 2018
Pravěkfest continues where stopped last year – ingenious Underdogs venue, two stages, true multi-genre approach, fast&furious as well as atmo/slow darkness, acid and weird beats, noisy experiments, new wave with the old intent, in short all the extremes you can imagine with common DIY denominator. Friday evening will flow from thrash and black metal swamps to death metal and deathrock smell of the flesh. On Saturday we change to garbage odour with angry as well as epic punk and noise bands. A nausea from noise rock guitar walls to extreme sound experiments will then prevail on Sunday. Simply the party with no borders and prejudices! Beneficial contribution will come either to Food not Bombs or Klinika, to whom with more urgent need. Pravěkfest is of course not space for racism, sexism, homophobia, nor for any other chauvinism. DIY or die and kill the cool kid inside of you!
(more eng info soon!)
Bands & DJs:
Altar De Fey - deathrock/west coast post-punk from 80thies (USA)
CALF - post-rock/noise rock (GRE)
Lords Of The High Ones - stoner/'70 death metal (GER)
FCKN BSTRDS - trash/harshnoise/extreme performance (Nl/international)
Røst - thrash hardcore/punk (AUT)
Chamber – black metal (GER)
Feedbacker - noise rock/sludge punk (BG)
SPOTS - anarchopunk
Xindl - anarchopunk/powerviolence (AUT)
Memero - breakcore (GER)
Němá Barikáda – crust/hardcore/punk
VAVA - stroboharsh/noise core (UKR)
Feeble Minded - brutal death metal
Maläd - drum'n'bass noise core (UKR)
Spreading Dread – progressive/thrash metal
Бобрик - harshnoise (UKR)
DNO - neocrust
Galanti - DDIY punk
The Prostory Revival – acid noise rave poetry
Drén – harsh noise and more!
Nusle Sound System - noise rock/noise punk
Postea - neocrust
Bambulkyne Dobrodružstvá - chrocht'n'roll
Errantes - black/death metal
Archangel - breakcore
hy€nxxx - acid rap
Usmívá se takhle tvoje matka?! - black metal
Surfin‘ Bazooka – avantgarde bazooka jazz/danger music
Penis Vacuated in Bloody Anal Creek - one penis gore-grind show
Grindis Khan – khancore
All days – Olgoj Chorchoj Sound System DJs/live performance
DJane Aisling synthwave and more
Puštííík - acid tekk
Dekorations by Markar, Vera Leininger a Willhelm Grasslich
Entry 150-200 kč day /300-400 whole fest
Altar De Fey - deathrock/west coast post-punk from the 80s (USA)
The Friday headliner is coming directly from 1980s San Francisco! Goth punx Altar De Fey combine west coast post-punk with deathrock. After the reunion in 2011, they have already released two albums. When we found out that their European tour meets Pravěkfest, our hearts melted like a cemetery after a spring fog. Together with Máma Bubo’s show last year, we carry on with connecting the 80s new wave with the contemporary underground!
CALF - post-rock/noise rock (Gre)
Greek loud sound experimenters are coming back to Prague, last year you could have seen them at Riot over River fest. Calf are characterized by the monolith guitar structures rooting from post-rock, but with growing noise backgrounds (no vocals), together fueled by the original arrhythmical downbeats. And finally the songtitles – The Body would have had something similar, if only they had read Magor Jirous instead of Bohumil Hrabal
Lords Of The High Ones - stoner/70s death metal (GER)
Lords Of The High Ones will fly in from Leipzig on the ganja gaze, that will spread all over the city! Despite the fact their music is firmly rooted in 70s stoner rock sweet like a weed-boll from the greenhouse, the most interesting feature of L.O.T.H.O. is their dirty proto-death metal influence, that you especially appreciate, when you are high and catatonic!
FCKN BSTRDS - trash/harshnoise/extreme performance (Nl/international)
Trash rules the world! It overpowered us long time ago, now we can only scream “FUCKIN BASTARDS!” Whoever missed this “gentrification myths destroyer” performance last year, now has a second chance. Moreover, they will be joined on stage by the local garbage engineers and the danger music lovers Drén and Uncle Grasha, so on-stage extremity will come into spiral effect! You can expect piles of local, as well as foreign garbage, crawling in garbage, destroying it, the musicians falling over it and over themselves like in the industrial mill, (self) mutilation and the other forms of on-stage violence, above it the unceasing harsh noise wall. FCKN BSTRDS!
Røst - thrash hardcore/punk (AUT)
Kickin ass/ kickin everything commando from EKH squat, Vienna - despite the fact that they are hardcore social critique heralds, they're pretty far from having the edge. Make Monty Python legend Mr. Creosote great again!
Chamber – atmospheric black metal (GER)
Depressing moody darkness, with the modern sound similar for example to Imperium Dekadenz or Tardigrada. They will encase you for half-hour and won’t let you go! Despite this metallic sound and atmosphere, they are punx at heart.
Feedbacker - noise rock/sludge punk (BG)
Calf are accompanied by Feedbacker from Sofia, Bulgaria, whose noise rock tunes are enveloped into more earthy and sludgy structures. But their poetics are not dissimilar to OR from Prague, that played at Pravěkfest last year. You can expect long journey full of surprises from the dusty fields to more tender alternative rock clouds.
SPOTS – anarchopunk
Raw punk with charisma and keyboards, rightly regarded as legend! Their political songs such as “states and nations are dead” or “intolerant racist state” willl never make you bored and are tempting even if you don’t understand Czech. Pogo tonight and Molotov cocktail another day!
Xindl - riot grrrl anarchopunk/powerviolence (AUT)
The second fast and dirty ride from Vienna, this time at the heart of Riot Grrl punk legacy and not of drunk bozo boys. The subcooltures are still male dominated and this must be repeatedly and loudly attacked, until it gets better. But now just "fuck people! Fuck music! And fuck the system!"
VAVA - stroboharsh/noise core (UA)
First noise core shit from Ukraine, that will mess our line-up this year…but in very positive way of course. Feedbacks, boo-screaming, all the disharmonies that you can imagine (the most harmonic moment during their stage time will be the applause), moreover a stroboscope on the maximum frequency for all the time! This is the moment when epileptic boy comes to the first rank with his clear sweet joint!
Feeble Minded - brutal death metal
Time of the massacre “the piece of meat that somebody lost during cutting of the cadaver”. Brutal death metal with feeling for the details and technical precisions, spiced by grindy pig squealing.
Maläd – slow motion drum'n'bass noise core (UA)
Ukrainian noise excursion was already mentioned. But this band is bit more tender…well, within noise core…like cutter mill playing whiny indie folk. Ok, now seriously – more structured noise terror in the style of 7 Minutes of Nausea, but with emphasis on slow tempo and brutal bass bubbling.
Spreading Dread – progressive/thrash metal
Progressive apocalyptic thrash from the deepest corners of the mental asylums, full of technical and schizo guitar solos, growling as well as clear vocals, riffs as well as Wolfgang Amadeus tunes …anyway, don’t you think that it is possible to a meet progressive band as well as noise core regress at a festival ? That’s the true essence of the underground!
Němá Barikáda – hardcore/crust/punk
More Czech veterans of political punk. For their angry cocktail they mix hardcore, crust and punk rock. Under the motto “system does no mistakes, system is the mistake”!
DNO – neocrust
All-death-star company from Orlová, with members of Apolita, Anne M. Christiansen or Pacino. Crust rhythmic, sometimes slowed down, raw as well as echoed guitars, feedbacks, but threre is melody and atmosphere too. And no need for songtitles.
Galanti - DDIY punk
Fast rock’n’roll punk with the ironic motto “don’t do it yourself, you will fuck it up anyway.”
Bambulkyne Dobrodružstvá - chrocht'n'roll
"This is not what we call grind....this is what we call assholes. Leave this scene you ugly fuckers and don't ask us to play shows with such fools anymore!"… their unconventional live shows are remembered even in this way. But they haven’t left, they are still here, for every dancer who has a circumcised anus rose! So Bambulky will end the Saturday night in the same way as last year, but with few more songs about beautiful children!
Errantes - black/death metal
Black metal by atmosphere, death metal you can feel from their songs structures. Balancing on the genre edge, that is as fluid as blood mixed with juice from a tire.
Drén – harsh noise and more!
Harsh noise, self-mutilating performance, glass, and tinnitus for you … he is already known to many ambulance personnel in most European cities. You can never be sure, how he will end up. "Do you know that you're my hero?!"
Postea – epic neocrust
Another neocrust challenge, similarly stirring as DNO, but Postea is more epic and pleading simultaneously, female vocal underlines that. Moreover they are preparing a new LP!
Nusle Sound System - noise rock/punk
Every sky reaching architecture should be burdened by tanks! Or at least you must enjoy the emotions when riding in a taxi without paying. Loud band from (ex)members of Bezbolestná, Peleton or Václav Klaus.
Usmívá se takhle tvoje matka?! - sick black metal
Obscure black metal about the need of a mother to havie fun. So you should buy her a Burzum T-shirt and take her to the Hanatarash show. Well…if this anti-humor is familiar to you, reminding you of "don’t talk to Djs" show of last year, you are close!
Surfin‘ Bazooka – avantgarde bazooka jazz/danger music
Surfin‘ Bazooka is a wild experimental trio (two sax + noises and percussions) on the opposite side of the music spectre. They can play atmospheric and intellectual free jazz sets as well as the sonic attacks bordering with danger music, what they are going to play on this occasion! It will be the last show of the festival, if you stay, we will ask you for signing the proclamation of attendance at your own risk
Penis Vacuated in Bloody Anal Creek - one penis gore-grind show
This guy is a romantic in his heart, but he is being thrown out from everywhere, because he permanently pushes something into his anus. At Pravěkfest he finally finds a safe place, so will be able to show you his emotional side! Musically something between Regurgitate and Anal Cunt album "Picnic of love".
Grindis Khan – khancore
Simply uuuuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhaaaaaaaa and the hell breaks loose! These young fellows are getting back to the great-roots of grindcore, like first 2 albums of Napalm Death, Agathocles or like the almost forgotten Violent Noise Attack. Speed wins just like Gengkhis Khan!
Jihadi John stage:
Memero - breakcore (Ger)
This wave-breaker from Berlin casually forced our necropolis to dance last year. This year he will force all the headless ones to move at the Jihadi stage!
Solo project of Lorna Bucley, the founder of FCKN BSTRDS.
The Prostory Revival – acid noise rave poetry
All the conspiracies have become truth, so you can now sugar the salt and walk on the edge of Earth. The Prostory Revival has the evidence of everything being different. Rave with a bow, so let’s drink your kitchen cleaner and upraise your existence!
Бобрик - harshnoise (UA)
The kingdom of humming and squeaking purgatory!
Archangel - breakcore
Sometimes you have to break something to make it better…for example beat. Or already broken beat. Archangel breaks beats either in the same old ironic way, but also in a little bit apocalyptic-radioactive way, so your skin will fall off your body during the dancing!
hy€nxxx - acid rap
Probably not on the top ten list of rap artists, but who cares? 2 boys with mics with visage of the permanent garbage hunters, reinforced by master of synths Dr. Salam and guitarist Kilian, duo that plays on Pravěkfest every year.
Olgoj Chorchoj Sound System – acid tekk all days – Djs & live performance
These indestructible acid tekk sound system lizards manage all the Jihadi John stage, DJs and live set magicians will pulse until the last thinkable moment!
DJane Aisling - synthwave and more
Melancholic atmosphere, darkness, and sometimes even industrial tunes!
Puštííík - acid tekk
Independent acid free-tekk shaman, celebrating birthday at Pravěkfest every year, this time even with speedcores!
Pravěk is a project of an independent DIY literary movement that helps mostly young authors with releasing their art without waiting in the line of “unsolicited” writers and without groveling in the front of commercial publishers. DIY or die!
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